I am a drum maker, painter and craftswoman residing on a small island off the base of Australia, Tasmania ~
lutruwita, land of the palawa people. I feel very fortunate to call this land home.

Growing up as a child I shared a powerful connection to the unseen world. Prophetic dreams and visions were a big part of my life. In later years, the land was embraced as part of my healing, both strength and inspiration came to me from the beauty of the natural world. Many potent encounters were shared directly with the land and the animals, with an understanding that they came not only for my own healing journey, but also to fulfil a part of my soul purpose to bring the energy of these Spirit gifts into the world through my art.

All of my pieces are created in a ceremonial way, with love and respect always.


  • “Wow Vicki, thank you. Your Oracle cards are simply beautiful. I am so impressed with your artistry and your deep connection and respect for Mother Earth. I've just revisited the cards that spoke to me at the beach, such profound deep wisdom in your writing, you are a great communicator of what is needed by people individually and our beautiful planet Earth. Can't wait to read your book!”

    – Ruth, Ripples Art Farm

  • “I’ve been pulling cards from Vicky's Language of the Earth Oracle Deck since I received them last week and my experience has me excited. Here is one authentic deck... full of guidance for all things growth, support, expansion and just being an awakened/ing human actually. Many cards are enhanced with snippets of personal shares and stories so relevant, so enjoyable to read, infusing real life meaning plus it’s all just so well written then beautifully reflected and connected in Vicki’s gorgeous artwork for each and every card. It just came to me actually, a weird comparison, but here goes, this deck is like the difference between a box of pasta off the supermarket shelf, certainly can be good... but then there’s fresh handmade pasta created and cooked over time with authentic generational knowledge, quality ingredients and genuine love. That’s what this deck is, it’s enriched by it’s process and oozes the real deal. So I am excited, because I’m not just using them myself, I’m keen to use them in my healing work too... Thankyou Vicki.”

    – Bridget

  • “Congratulations on curating such an amazing body of creative work. The artworks represented as the images for the oracle deck, Language of the Earth are stunning and so evocative. What a beautiful way to showcase your artistic expression. In addition, the messages and insight in your written meanings of the cards offer deep guidance and wisdom. Thanks you for sharing your experiences and profound teachings “

    – Janet Walker

  • “Your cards!! They make me want to cry! The love, thought, beauty, wisdom, nature…. Oh my word… they and you are brilliant! They are the most special things I have held in my hands for a very long time!“

    – Lyn

  • “Since I purchased my first drum from Vicki, I have been on awe of her connection to spirit and our animal allies. I have been blessed to bring many more of her creations home. Whether it's a drum, rattle or medicine pouch, no words would suffice... you have to feel their energy to understand. Vicki's creations are as gentle, healing and powerful as she is. The spirit of each creation is so strong and unique. I can not recommend Vicki's work highly enough. If any of her creations whisper to you... please listen. Thank you Vicki, for continuing to bring these amazing creations into our world, where they are so needed to heal our Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.”

    – Sharon

  • “It's actually taken me a few days to come back down to earth since my drum arrived, as I was so overcome by emotion, there were so many tears of joy and happiness. I was not prepared or expecting to be quite so, but my whole body gave a contented sigh when I unwrapped it. It just feels like a part of my soul has returned. I absolutely love the beater with the matching spiral. Thank you for creating it. It sounds beautiful and I've played every day since.”

    – Natalie

  • “I have been lucky enough over the last few years to be called by several of Vicki’s stunning pieces, and every single one is truly special. The latest piece is a lil Owl rattle and the soft energy and love coming from it is beautiful. Vicki has always been amazing to deal with and her pieces are unique and powerful. Always carefully packaged with love. If you are called to a piece trust it, because they are truly amazing.”

    – Leah

  • “I have had a few readings done for me over the course of my life, but no-one has truly captured what Vicki did for me in her reading. It was authentic, real, and spoke to my soul. Thank you Vicki, will be forever grateful for this. You are amazing and am blessed to have crossed paths with you.”

    – Gabrielle

  • “Vicki's work is magical and so, so special.. made with love, respect for nature and spirit.”

    – Natasha

  • “I felt really looked after and cared for during my time with Vicki, a very generous soul with beautiful attention to detail within her healing abilities. I gained a lot from my iridology session with Vicki, it really confirmed so much I felt within my body. I also received a beautiful healing session which was very powerful, enlightening and deeply relaxing. Vicki is clearly a caring and compassionate women with so many skills and gifts. I recommend her work highly to anyone who feels drawn.”

    – Bridget

  • ”The pieces created by Vicki are made with love and are full of positive energy. I recommend anyone serious about their spiritual tools to become guardians of the rattles or drums. I have just had a reading done by Vicki. It resonated deeply with me and gave great insight into what was going on within my own thoughts. This has helped me to clear my way in moving forward, towards bigger things ahead.”

    – Tanya

  • “Vicki totally understood what I was needing, understood my story and tuned in to create a piece that was totally perfect for me. A true medicine Woman. Thank you Vicki.”

    – Wren

  • “When I opened the deck, the texture and colour reached out to me. I took a deep breath and thought oh here we go - these are good. I don't have a lot of decks, yet was so called to purchase these. There's something about Vicki's work that touches a deep part of my soul. The artwork sings along so divinely with the words, weaving a pathway towards an answer to the question asked. I absolutely love the freedom of no set layout, and have begun using the cards as a meditation focus. Thank you Vicki. Integrity. Grace. Quality and Clarity are four words that come to mind and heart when I use Language of the Earth. It truly is that.”

    – Cheryl Brighton Smith, Solum Farm

  • “Vicki’s creations are always tuned into to natures flow. She has such respect for mother earth and it reflects in how mother earth offers up medicine for her to create with such honour. Drums, rattles, medicine tools, and more. The language of the Earth cards carries that respect, that tuned to the earth wisdom, that personal knowing and connection. There are many tarot and oracle cards out there on the factory floor of tarot and oracle cards. These are different. These are vibrationally unique. The language of the Earth Oracle cards are finely tuned to mother earth and her animal beings' signature. They are a joy to embrace and to be included in your medicine tools.”

    – Odette Nightsky, Contemporary Shamanism

  • “The birthing of this soulful one of a kind Oracle deck has come after long gestation beyond it's crafting period.Vicki's lifelong connection to medicine ways through and with nature blend with her innately authentic Spirit, immersion, creativity and experiential journeys in her healing processes. " Language of the Earth " is the result of doing the work and sharing wisdoms gained along the way. These cards began working with me upon receiving them and opening the package.It is a rare thing for both words and images to be so beautifully blended and aligned, sourced as they are rom the same hands and heart.

    These cards are seeds to grow a life of meaning and depth, whilst as practical as a nourishing meal or cuppa with a dear friend. What an offering and act of devotion to her inner visions. Thanksgivings Vicki <3”

    – Chloe Opal

  • “I’ve been using Vicki’s stunning oracle deck for about a week now. I’m loving the cards so much. I drew the Transition card today. So potent, so relevant and so beautiful.

    I can feel Vicki’s magic in the cards. The same magic I felt when we drummed and sang together. The same magic that calls the wild to interact and connect with her in ways that most people only dream of. It’s a wonderful and magical deck and a gorgeous creation. (Even the box is lovely!)”

    – Pollyanna Darling

  • “I absolutely love my cards I have done a few readings with them now and have found the messages to be very accurate. I have purchased prints in the past because I absolutely love her artwork. Now I have a magnificent collection of her beautiful artwork in these cards. I highly recommend them for anyone who loves art and uses cards.”

    – Liane B Aleeya Lady Buddha

  • “What a life changing experience. The creation of my drum was a very pivotal turning point in acknowledging who I am. The way Vicki held space and guided me through the day was perfect. I really appreciate the time spent honouring the animal that gave its skin and the respect to that process. It was such a calming and loving energy, the food was lovely, being surrounded by nature and having Vicki play her drum while I was making mine made the experience even better. For myself the intention of why I created the drum comes out every time I play it. Through this drum I have found my voice and it has provided me with so my healing. My drum is very powerful and I believe this has a lot to do with the energy it was created in and the way Vicki facilitated that. Thank you Vicki for helping me create some magic. I’d definitely recommend making a drum with Vicki to anyone.“

    – Victoria

  • “Vicki is an amazing artist, her pieces are created with soul and spirit. I’ve purchased a few pieces over the years, from drums to beaters, a rattle, a couple of pouches - all are beautifully made. I cherish them all and trust that they are made with a high level of skill and they are of amazing quality. Mostly, I trust that Vicki creates all her pieces from the heart and you can feel that. I love the message behind her work and will continue to support her artist journey. I find her very inspirational.”

    – Lou Elle