“I have taken the wisdom from the messages I have received at pivotal times in my life and translated them through my own interpretation into art and words, in the hope they may be a guiding light for fellow travellers. Hopefully you will find answers from these cards in your own way. As with everything offered, take what resonates with you and leave the rest.”



Understanding my dialogue with the Earth over the years has become like second nature. This connection for me is a priority. Like any strong relationship, it requires dedication, patience, respect and love. This most crucial connection is our birthright. It is a matter of remembering we are one with the Earth, and all that is. We all belong here. Every single one of us.

When I hear the voice of Earth, it is not some booming voice, although at some times it has been. It can be a visual message through the action of the animal kingdom, plants or elements. More often than not, it is like a transmission into my belly, often followed by a series of affirming happenings. These come if more clarity is needed. This can be asked for and will be answered as long as we are have the ears and hearts to hear.

Everyone's way of communicating will be different, and there are many ways that Spirit will bring a message through. There is no one right way. Sometimes a message will come and it may be understood immediately, other messages may take more time. They can come whilst we are in solitude, seeking an answer or guidance. They can appear out of nowhere, during our simple everyday tasks. Sometimes, they may come in quite earth-shattering ways, that can take years to decipher. One in particular was about remaining connected to the Earth and coming back to her. I speak about this in my Earth Connection oracle card. This is why it is important to keep a journal so we can keep tabs on the conversation and deepen the understanding of these big gifts as time goes on. They are often very important sources of information and we don't want to lose the thread. Following up and then integrating the guidance received is a sure way to keep the conversations flowing.

It is also important to know the source of your information. Having supportive Spirit kin that you trust is essential. When a message comes for me that is clear and strong, it is always followed. I have learnt in time to trust the guidance that has been received above all else. Spending time with the Earth and coming into alignment with her, has allowed this connection to deepen. This is a journey in and of itself.

The wisdom of the messages I have received at pivotal times in my life have been translated into art and words to create this Oracle deck. May they be a guiding light for fellow travellers, bringing comfort and clarity. As with everything offered, take what resonates with you and leave the rest.